OK, I didn't forget about you!! I have been alternating between busy and moody, honestly-not very unusual for me.
I left off getting ready to go to the Sewing with Nancy Retreat and I LOVED IT!! I'm not sure if it was just the fact that I was around so much creative energy, the fact that I was actually making things or my new friend I made-Myra
Theriot. No matter I came away each day so inspired and jazzed I couldn't stop talking about everything I had learned that day....poor Chris, he is so patient with me these days!! I love him for that. The first class I had was on the
Embellisher machine---oh boy, I told you my passion was for felt and now a needle felting machine--I called Chris and didn't really ask, just informed, that I was buying it!! I was on cloud nine that whole day!! The next couple of days were equally inspiring, I loved Nancy! She is beautiful-inside and out! She is funny, entertaining and very talented of course-not to mention smart. She was great. I also had the privilege to meet Evy Hawkins, now she is more my style. What a very sincere, beautiful and talented lady she is. I so loved her work and asked if she was having any classes and lucky for me they were putting one together that weekend for November in Tulsa-you guessed, I was the first to sign up!! She was so sweet, when I purchased a couple of her tutorials to make on my new
Embellisher she encouraged me to get an Embroidery machine and all sorts of doors would open. Now, I think I told you, I was "fired",
ok, laid off-
lol, so the thought of spending thousands of dollars for another machine just seemed out of reach. That was until Chris sent me and email, followed by another....
The first: I posted, was a perfect thought about Confluence. The timing could not have been better.
The second: He said get the machine!!
WOW!! I showed both emails to Myra and she was so touched she got tears in her eyes!! So00, I am the luckiest girl in the world!!
Now that I have my new machines it is a priority to get my studio organized and learn how to use all my machines!!!!
Saturday night, April 15
th, we went to Curt and Sarah's wedding. I felt like a million bucks!! I had just experienced the best 3 days, I have a fabulous husband who loves me to pieces and I looked hot!! I was feeling beautiful from the inside out. I can't tell you the last time I had that experience-it was humbling and exhilarating all at once. To know there is so much out there that you just can't wait to go and explore and to feel the love and support that you need to encourage you on. I promise, it was
majical! For me anyway, everyone else got the And, And, And Robin!!
Sunday, I really didn't feel so well from all my "celebrating" Saturday night, so needless to say I didn't do much. Except go for a long drive and come home and veg. I wished I hadn't wasted a day from self inflicted wounds when Chris was home, we have so little time together these days.
Which leads me into this last week. Chris left bright and early Monday morning and I started on my studio-what a project. This family has more craft supplies-crazy! That took a few days but really I enjoyed it, looking at all the things each of us made in our art classes in school. Basic art classes have not changed much-its the only thing that hasn't!! Mine, Jacobi & Jordan's portfolios have a lot of the same exercises in them-fun stuff.
I guess the moody part kind of came and went. The realization that I have been out of the art world for a long time and the fear of all the things I don't know. Not to mention I have all these beautiful machines with no clue how to work them.
Ok, a basic idea on 2, absolutely none on my monster. My biggest fear isn't really failure but...
hmmm, just not being creative or good enough or have any ideas, or worst of all letting down all the people that believe in me. Then, the next minute, I'm over it and inspired all over again and feel so lucky to be able to follow my passion, knowing absolutely it is the right thing to do. I will say, my studio turned out like everything I ever wanted!! I love to be in there!! That is probably where some other frustration comes in, with my
obessive behavior, I don't want to do anything else. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a lot of demands on my time, it is mostly ME!! I have to pull the weeds, find a gardener, check the garden, do laundry, clean toilets, floors, windows. The problem is I make everything a major ordeal!! Huge mountains to climb-all day projects! Seriously Robin-Really??? I have got to get a grip. I have been multi-tasking for years, with lots of
interuptions, why am I finding this so hard some days?
I am trying to make aprons for the Bug Boil this weekend. At first I couldn't wait to get started but now, again, I realize how much I don't know. So, I do have a class scheduled for Wed to learn my Embroidery machine. That will help with some of my frustration. I did play for a bit and had a blast just learning all the things my Quilters Choice machine will do, I actually really like the little practice piece I made.
Tomorrow I am going to start on the skirt for my work table so i can use all that space for storage. The people at the fabric store were absolutely wonderful, as soon as they found out what I was doing they were giving me all kinds of ideas and advice, I had a blast. The one thing I know for sure is people love to share with you what they know. I am not usually a very open person with my thoughts and feelings and don't share them with very many people BUT I am changing!! I need others, to share with, to learn from, to be vulnerable and admit I need help!! I can not grow
spiritually or creatively without help, from my old friends, current friends and new ones to be made. I am so looking forward to reaching out and discovering new ideas and paths. Where exactly my journey will take me is not known but I do know I go with an open heart, eyes and ears.
Today, I have not been feeling well-stomach problems-but I spent the day reading and finding new artists on the
Internet. I discovered a new site and artist that I find inspiring and signed up for an on line class with her. I knew I would love her when I found her web-site, Creative Chick Studios, Susan
Sorrell, my class starts when I get back from
vacation in June, YIPPEE!!
Good Bye for now.....
PS-Jacobi had a great weekend and bought a new car--
RAV 4 Sport!! It is perfect for her!
Jordan was at her golf tournament in Atlanta and made a birdie!! She is flying high!!
Chris was in DC, riding his bike all of the place, exploring new worlds.
I am a lucky girl!!